AVETMISS Data Import Service
RTO Data Cloud - AVETMISS Data Import Service
This service is applicable to those clients who are subscribers to RTO Data Cloud and would like to import their AVETMISS data from a separate AVETMISS compliant student management software into RTO Data Cloud. The data import is conducted by a member of the client support team who understands the AVETMISS file structure. The service relies on being provided by the client a complete set of AVETMISS data files that have successfully validated through the NCVER AVETMISS Validation Software. This ensures that the information you are importing into RTO Data Cloud is properly structured and compliant. The import process will require close liaison with a representative from your team who is familiar with your training operation, This will include a number of teleconferences and email exchanges. Assuming no major irregularities, the import process usually can be conducted over 2-3 working days.
Outline of Service. The RTO Data AVETMISS import service is strictly conducted according to the following steps:
- Supply data files. Client to provide the client support team a complete set of AVETMISS 8.0 data files that have successfully validated through the NCVER AVETMISS Validation Software. This will be checked by the client support team who will request the client to address any data errors if the files do not successfully validate.
- Select import options. In this step, it is necessary to select some options that will assist in the data being imported as smoothly as possible. These choices are required due to the file structure of the AVETMISS files which were designed back in the 1980s and are primarily structured for RTOs delivering qualifications only. The AVETMISS file structure does not cater for RTOs delivering courses containing a number of units of competency only courses outside of a qualification or even individual units of competency courses. We want to ensure your data comes across as close as is possible to reflect your delivery model. The client support team will guide you through the import options which focus on grouping individual units together into an enrolment, identifying clustered units into an enrolment by using the common unit start and end date and finally selecting options for remaining single unit of competency. Once these programmatic options have been selected, we can move to the import.
- Import. The client support team will then import the AVETMISS file set into RTO Data Cloud. The import process will create your RTO details, delivery locations, courses, training plans, learners, enrolments and completed qualifications, skill sets and/or units of competency.
- Results. Once the import has occurred, the client support team will be presented with a result table to allow the data to have a final check. The result tables will identify the:
- RTO information including the RTO code, name, contact details.
- Delivery location/s including the identifier, name location address.
- Courses will detail the course code, course title and type of course along with the program classification data sourced from TGA.
- Training plans that have been created in the system. For each course that has been created, an automatic training plan will be created adopting the course title as the training plan name. It will detail the connecting course code and title and the training plan name and commencing course ID.
- Units of competency that have been created for each training plan in the system will details the connecting course code and title, training plan name, unit code and unit title and classification data sourced from TGA.
- Learners along with information imported from the four related learner AVETMISS files (Client file, Client contact details file, Disability file and Prior educational achievement file).
- Enrolments including clients, qualifications, units of competency, start/end dates, delivery mode, outcomes and other data sources from the AVETMISS Training activity file and Program completed file.
- Commence using RTO Data Cloud. Once your data has been imported, you can commence using RTO Data Cloud to support your ongoing RTO operation. The client support team will check in on you periodically to check on any anomalies in the data and to support you moving forward.
Cost: $1,100
Other information: Price is inclusive of GST. Newbery Consulting Terms and Conditions Apply.
Please contact us if you require more information.