
RTO Data Cloud Pricing

We offer one plan for everyone. The base cost of using the system month to month is $120.00. That provides you a single concurrent system user. If you want more system users to access the system at the same time, then you simply register a new user and that will cost an additional $2.40 for each day that user is registered. You can add and remove system users whenever you would like to control your costs. We debit your nominated credit card at the end of each monthly billing period based on your actual usage. There are no locked-in contracts or annual license fees. This is purely a pay as you go software helping you to manage your cash flow and putting you in control.

Contact us today for a quote.

RTO Data Cloud -
AVETMISS Data Import Service

We offer an AVETMISS Data Import Service for clients wanting to import AVETMISS files from their current Student Management System. This is a complex process and is an additional cost of $1,110.

This service is applicable to those clients who have signed up to RTO Data Cloud and would like to import their AVETMISS data from a separate AVETMISS compliant student management software into RTO Data Cloud. The data import is conducted by a member of the client support team who understands the AVETMISS file structure. The service relies on the client providing a complete set of AVETMISS data files that have successfully validated through the NCVER AVETMISS Validation Software. This ensures that the information you are importing into RTO Data Cloud is properly structured and compliant. The import process will require close liaison with a representative from your team who is familiar with your training operation. This will include several teleconferences and email exchanges. Assuming no major irregularities, the import process usually can be conducted over 2-3 working days.

Please refer to the services description of RTO Data Cloud – AVETMISS Data Import Service at the link below.

To sign-up for RTO Data, please click on the button below and complete the sign-up page and payment authorisation.

Prices quoted on this website are inclusive of GST. RTO Data Cloud Terms and Conditions Apply. Please review these Terms and Conditions before proceeding with the sign-up.

Lets have a look at some examples

Scenario 1
First aid RTO with a single administrator processing 2100 student enrolments and completions each year. Is scanning and uploading all student assessment evidence to RTO Data with current storage of 75 gigabyte would have a total cost of $120 per month.
Scenario 2
Let’s say that First aid RTO had grown their enrolments and activated an additional user ($2.40 per day) on a full time basis, their total cost would now be an average of $193 per month. That is an average additional user fee of $73 per month for the additional user, for the entire year; plus the monthly access fee of $120 per month.
Scenario 3
Lets consider the storage of data and lets say First aid RTO has been uploading all of their student records for the last few years and their data stored on RTO Data has grown to 350 gigabyte. So, that is 270 gig in excess of their base data storage of 80 gig. The additional data storage of 270 gig would cost them an additional 10 cents per gig per month, so an additional $147 per month. Now the average monthly cost has grown to $267 per month
Scenario 4
If First Aid RTO grew to require the need to bring on an additional user just over a busy period of Mar-Jun, for 121 days, this would cost the RTO an additional $2.40 per day (billed monthly) or $290.40 for the entire period. If the RTO was closing for three weeks over the Dec – Jan period, the RTO could deactivate their additional users altogether over this leave period and save.
Scenario 5
Medium sized RTO with 12 qualifications on scope and an average of 850 student enrolments and completions each year. The RTO requires seven (7) users in total which include management and administrative support staff. The RTO has a primary user with six (6) additional users resulting in a total average cost of $558 per month. That is an annual cost of $6,696. This RTO would otherwise be paying our competitors on average between $12,000 and $25,000 per year.
Scenario 6
Large RTO with 32 qualifications and delivery sites in Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne and Adelaide. Mostly delivering subsidised training under government contracts in four States. Annual number of enrolments is a little over 3500 students. They require 26 users in total resulting in a cost per month of $1,945 and an annual cost of $23,340. The RTO uses the RTO Data Cloud LMS to augment traditional traineeship and apprenticeship training with online learning and assessment and to better manage student access to course material and submission of assignments at no additional cost.